Weekly Prayer Cycle
In our Parish Cycle of Prayer we pray for Randy and Rena Woods and family; Robert, Tanoya and Torraya Woods; Helen Wright; and Norma Wright. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma). In the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada we pray for the Secretary General and staff of the Anglican Communion Office and the General Secretary and staff of the Lutheran World Federation. In our Diocese of Niagara we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Susan Bell; and for St. Paul, Mount Forest, The Reverend Kevin Cull, Interim Priest-in-Charge, and the people of that parish. As a community we pray for victims of war, terrorism and criminal violence. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers Celina Liong; Bishop Ralph; Turner Shaw; Daniela Cruz; Justin Rego; Ernie Taylor; Susan Andrews; Cathy Johnston; Larry Andrews; Susan Worrall; John; Gregory Klassen; Wayne & Michelle; Jane; Helen; Kim; Lisa LaRush; Nancy; Rachel & James; Cathy; Berenice; Heather; Judy Robertson; Adam Pearce, Dawn Romig, Charlotte Read. Those preparing for baptism Michael Hobbins; Friedrich Liu; Riley Robinson. Flower Dedication Flowers at the Chancel Steps today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of their parents Ross and Sophie and their brothers Edward and Bruce Wright with love from the Wright family. The Flower Dedication in last week’s Chronicle was incorrect. The flowers at the Chancel Steps were to the Glory of God and in loving memory of their father Frederick Vanderpost from Janina and John. The flowers at the War Memorial were in loving memory of Great-Uncle, Arthur George Hunt, who was killed at Flanders, given by Anne-Louise and John Watts. We sincerely apologize for the error. |
Cathedral Worship
SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER - THE TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30am - Holy Eucharist in person 10:30am - Choral Eucharist in person and on the NOVEMBER 19 ORDER OF SERVICE WEDNESDAY 22 NOVEMBER 8:30am - Morning Prayer via Zoom followed by coffee and conversation 12:15pm - Eucharist in the Cathedral FRIDAY 24 NOVEMBER - 12:15pm Litany of Reconciliation in Bishopsgate SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER - THE LAST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30am - Holy Eucharist in person 10:30am - Choral Eucharist in person and on YouTube
New Assistive Hearing System!
The Cathedral has received a grant from the Community Services Recovery Fund for a loop technology based system. If you use a hearing aid, or you're a greeter or a team leader, you're invited to attend an orientation session in the Cathedral: EITHER Sunday November 19 at 12:30 OR Tuesday, November 21, at 11:00am. No need to sign up: just turn up! |
Newcomer's Lunch Postponed
The Newcomer’s Lunch planned for this Sunday, November 19, has been postponed, as many of those interested are not able to come. A new date will be announced soon. |
Digging DeeperA Bible Tour - Sunday, November 19, 2023 In these sessions, we're taking a Bible Tour - an overview of what's in the Bible, where it came from, and how it came together in this extended survey of the scriptures. Matthew Green writes: “Our faith is grounded in the Bible, so it might be handy to know what's in it. Let me take you on a tour, and I'll point out some of the wonderful (and frankly weird) things along the journey. Don't forget to bring your Urim and Thummim! (Don't know what those are? Then that's at least one thing you can learn!)” Sundays in the Spence Room after the 2nd service at 12:15-1:15pm. For further information, please feel free to contact Matthew Green at 905-865-9863. |
November Art Display - Renewing a LegacyDisplay of Cushions and Kneelers on Website The display of rejuvenated cushions and kneelers continues for Sunday, November 19, but it can now also be viewed on the cathedral website HERE. |
Cathedral OasisAn Open Time for Peace and Reflection - Sunday, November 26, 2023 Our doors will be open one Sunday per month for anyone to come and enjoy some quiet space in the middle of our busy city. Feel free to light a candle, say a prayer, or just sit quietly in this beautiful space. |
Advent Quiet DayThe Vulnerability of God - Saturday, December 9, 2023 - 10:00am-4:00pm Have you ever wondered why, to save us from ourselves, our almighty God would choose to become a helpless infant, dependent in every way? In the course of this Advent Quiet Day, we will explore how this remarkable vulnerability is revealed in the Incarnation and how we, as human beings on a spiritual journey, are called to live into this vulnerability in order to come closer to God and to deepen our relationships with each other. Led by Susanne Prue, parishioner of Christ's Church Cathedral and graduate of the Education for Ministry Program. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch. Please RSVP by December 2nd directly to Susanne Prue by email. |
PWRDF Challenge for Advent 2023
Will our Parish buy a farm or more? December 3rd is the first Sunday in Advent and the week of Hope. What a perfect time to take up a challenge to support the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) World of Gifts. Support for the World of Gifts will provide hope to alleviate poverty, promote sustainability, and support communities in need in Canada and around the world. Here is the challenge for the Diocese of Niagara parishes! Can we collectively purchase 30 farms? There are approximately 79 parishes in our Diocese. If each parish purchases a few items or even the whole farm, we could easily reach our goal. Each farm costs $615 (it supports nine food security projects in eight different countries). Each farm includes:
A “Diocese of Niagara crowdfunding page” has been created to track the donations to this Advent Challenge. If donating online, please go to: http://weblink.donorperfect.com/ThePrimatesWorldReliefandDevelopmentFund/DioceseofNiagaraAdventChallenge If sending in a cheque to PWRDF, please identify Diocese of Niagara Advent Challenge in the memo line. For assistance, please contact your PWRDF Parish Representative, Louise van Woelderen, on 905-387-1820 or at louise.vanwoelderen@gmail.com. |
Synod 2023 - The Bishop's Charge
On November 4, Bishop Susan Bell chaired the 149th Synod of the Diocese of Niagara. In her charge to members of Synod, Bishop Susan encouraged members to remember that God has trusted those in the Diocese of Niagara with much, and that “God calls us to engage in the risk of faith; to become more and more like Christ and to live into the health and diversity of the mixed ecology – mission and tradition – the new and ancient Church.” She invited the diocese to take up God's invitation to "a bigger vision than we could ever imagine on our own." The full text of the Bishop's Charge can be accessed HERE and the YouTube channel HERE.
Cathedral Café Christmas Dinner VolunteersDecember 25th We are still looking for volunteers on Christmas Day to assist with greeting / serving food (12:30-2:30pm) and clean up (2:30-4:30pm). If you can help, please contact Kerry Lubrick at kerryllubrick@gmail.com or 905-679-2818. If you wish to make a donation (financial preferred as we can access some discounts) for the food / gifts, you can see Roseann Barry at the back of the church at a special table after the 10:30 Sunday Eucharist during November, or contact her at roseannbarry336@gmail.com or 905-570-6527. |
UN World AIDS Day Vigil
The annual service for World Aids Day will take place in the Cathedral on Friday, December 1 at 6:30pm. You are invited to come and honour those in our community living with HIV and those we have lost. |
Capital Campaign Planning Study
Our diocese is conducting a feasibility study to gauge support for a possible $20 million parish-focused capital campaign. Four town hall meetings, featuring a presentation by Bishop Susan Bell, will offer an opportunity to learn about the campaign, ask questions, and complete a survey. An online survey, along with a fact sheet detailing the potential campaign priorities, is available at niagaraanglican.ca/survey.
Every Step Counts!Monthly Climate Actions November's Action: Drive less! If you can, walk, carpool, ride a bike or e-bike, or take transit. Why? The average Canadian vehicle emits 206g CO2 per km, and the average car lasts for roughly 320,000km. That equals 66 tons of CO2 for the lifespan of the car! Impact? Living car-free can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 3.6 tons of CO2 per year! |
Tap to Pay
At the back of the Cathedral there is a Tap donation device. You can use your debit or credit card to "tap" and donate $5 to Christ's Church Cathedral. If you wish to donate more, you can tap up to four times! Your generosity is appreciated as it allows us to continue to maintain our beautiful facilities and offer innovative ministry to our community. Thank you! |
Submission Deadline for Chronicle Items
Please forward items for the Chronicle by 1:00pm on the Wednesday prior to publication to the Parish Coordinator at cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca or 905-527-1316 ext 240.